Sarvalaghu Jathi 2
Playlist 12
This Jathi does not have an instructional video. The counts for all the Sarvalaghu Jathis are all in 4 counts primarily. There are small variations in this particular Jathi. Please watch the Tala Theory video after you learn the Jathi and try to analyse where the variations occur.
Please keep in mind that the Raadha Kalpa method likes to reinforce the idea of neutrality in Nritta patterns that are not placed within a context. You are free to add eye and head movements that suit your particular requirement.
Up Next in Playlist 12
Sarvalaghu Jathi 3
This Jathi has an instructional video. The counts for all the Sarvalaghu Jathis are all in 4 counts. Please watch and try to learn the Jathi for practice.
Please keep in mind that the Raadha Kalpa method likes to reinforce the idea of neutrality in Nritta patterns that are not placed within a c...
Adi Tala Korwe 1
Please watch the first three lectures on Talam before beginning the Korwe series. There is an instruction video for each Korwe.
A Korwe is a set of adavus that are formatted to a specific rhythmic structure, ending with a Muktayam/Teermanam adavu and layered on a Swara like in a Jatiswaram or Ta...
Adi Tala Korwe 2
Please watch the first three lectures on Talam before beginning the Korwe series. There is an instruction video for each Korwe.
A Korwe is a set of adavus that are formatted to a specific rhythmic structure, ending with a Muktayam/Teermanam adavu and layered on a Swara like in a Jatiswaram or Ta...