Dear Students,
You will have two playlists this week.
The first playlist introduces all the new content that works with alignment and strength.
The second playlist that will be released by the end of this week will introduce the repertoire instructions.
This playlist works with the different bends that are used in Bharatanatyam according to the Raadha Kalpa Method. This is something that I have arrived at after a lot of thought and research while trying to understand how my own body works in movement.
This is very important in the coherence of your adavu practice. The next playlist will repeat these bends and will make it clearer for you.
This playlist also has some arm strength exercises that are important to keep your shoulders stable such that movement becomes seamless and efficient.
The theory lecture deals with Abhinaya and how our understanding of it is often different from what it actually means.
I hope you enjoy these new videos. The detailing will get more complex hereafter. Please do not pressurise yourself to progress to the next playlist as soon as it is released. Take your time to move to the next one.
The releases are made keeping in mind students who joined the program at the very beginning. It takes time to get through the playlists and the content must be worked through in the correct order while repeating enough number of times for the maximum benefit.
Musculature takes time to adapt.
Hope you are all doing well. I hope we get through this situation stronger as a community.