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Bramari Adavu 4

Playlist 27 • 2m 34s

Up Next in Playlist 27

  • Thattu Mettadavu 3 : Khandam

    This Adavu has two components, a tapping action with one foot that comprises of the Thattu, and the Udgattitham action on the other leg with a heel. Sometimes both the tap and the Udgattitam can happen on the same foot, depending on the Jathi.

    - Try to make sure the heel is lifted prop...

  • Thattu Mettadavu 4 : Mishram

    This Adavu has two components, a tapping action with one foot that comprises of the Thattu, and the Udgattitham action on the other leg with a heel. Sometimes both the tap and the Udgattitam can happen on the same foot, depending on the Jathi.

    - Try to make sure the heel is lifted prop...

  • Thattu Mettadavu 5 : Sankeernam

    This Adavu has two components, a tapping action with one foot that comprises of the Thattu, and the Udgattitham action on the other leg with a heel. Sometimes both the tap and the Udgattitam can happen on the same foot, depending on the Jathi.

    - Try to make sure the heel is lifted prop...