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Watch this video and more on The Raadha Kalpa Method


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Adi Tala: Pancha Nadai/ Jathi Korwe

Playlist 21 • 1m 23s

Up Next in Playlist 21

  • Pushpanjali

    Raaga: Aarabhi
    Composer: Dr Balamuralikrishna
    Choreography: Rukmini Vijayakumar

    The Pushpanjali is choreographed with many rhythmic layers. You will have an appending document that you can download to understand the Rhythm clearly.

    There is an added verse from the Ganesha P...

  • Jatiswaram: Raga Rasikapriya

    The second piece that is traditionally presented in a Margam is a Jatiswaram. A Jatiswaram is named as such because it is a combination of a Jathis and Swarams. It begins with a Jathi typically followed by the Pallavi, Anupallai and Charanams, to which multiple Korwes are choreographed.

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  • Jatiswaram: Part 2

    Raga : Rasikapriya
    Adi Tala
    Composer : Lalgudi G Jayaraman

    The Jatiswaram will be taught in parts with detailing on rhythm and alignment.

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