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Watch this video and more on The Raadha Kalpa Method

Watch this video and more on The Raadha Kalpa Method


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Theermana Adavu 3, variation

Playlist 14 • 2m 9s

Up Next in Playlist 14

  • Aramandi Tips 3

    This series will deal with a number of exercises that will work with developing a strong and stable Araimandi. It will also help resolve issues with knee and ankle pain. It must be practised in combination with the Hip openers and Leg strength for maximum benefit.

  • Aramandi Tips 4

    This series will deal with a number of exercises that will work with developing a strong and stable Araimandi. It will also help resolve issues with knee and ankle pain. It must be practised in combination with the Hip openers and Leg strength for maximum benefit.

  • Adi Tala Korwe 1

    Please watch the first three lectures on Talam before beginning the Korwe series. There is an instruction video for each Korwe.

    A Korwe is a set of adavus that are formatted to a specific rhythmic structure, ending with a Muktayam/Teermanam adavu and layered on a Swara like in a Jatiswaram or Ta...